6 pickable godot faces.

Keyboard | xInput
A/D | Left Stick: Move left/right
W | A: Jump
Shift | X: Hold to run.
E | RB: Airdash (air only. Redundant description, I know.)
S | RT: Groundpound (air only.)

Advanced instructions:
Ice pillars can be pushed by air dashing into them (push).
Ice pillars will freeze water surfaces.
Player can catch on fire.
Ice pillars and frozen water surfaces will melt.
Fire will be put out when entering a body of water.
Holding run during and after an airdash allows to run faster than normal.
Airdashing into a certain ir creature launches you forward, but also refreshes your ability to airdash.
Airdashing or bouncing on a rock will break it.
Bounding on a rock refreshes airdash and bouncing.
One more special technique that's unrequired for this test exists.

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