New demo! The Post-Sage update is here!

Updated player behavior. Enkoure now curls into a ball after using a special move.
Forward dash has been slightly nerfed.
Enviromental bodies (Wind, water, lava) and the way Enkoure interacts with them has been

recoded from the ground up.
Optimizations to level layout and level visuals.
-Layout for the water path has been modified for a better experience.
Alongside the changes to physics, this changes sensibly the experience.
New enemy: Bounce bob.
Actual checkpoints!
Tanktoise now activate when riding them, not when passing through them.
Visual and sound cues when the player can reuse a special move.
-Special moves normally reset when touching the ground again.
-Due to a level layout oversight, only the Groundpound can be refreshed in Act 1 by using Groundpound on a Bouncepad or a Rebounder.
--Rebounders are the round red things that rotate in place.
Added a dynamic outline to player character! The outline will make itself scarce or visible, even change colors, contextually.

Week 28 Changelog:

Bounce bob now only applies wind behid.
Preventive bugfix to an issue that caused bounce bob to flip constantly.
Visual and sound effects signifying a move can be used again have been added.
*Due to a overlook in level design, only Groundpound refreshers exist in Act 1. There is no intention to change this as of this moment.
Fixed a snafu with the camera boundaries at one of the checkpoints (act1-4 checkpoint 1)

It took a hot month and a half to get all of the feedback from Sage'24 pushed through, but here we are. I can finally start working on the next level.


DreamEnkoure-ThePostSageUpdate.7z 27 MB
Oct 25, 2024

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